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Born 24/12 1975.

Member of Norske Billedkunstnere (NBK), Billedkunstnerne i Oslo (BO) and Norske Dansekunstnere (NODA).

In 2021 I got the Kunst rett vest prize. Click here for the jury's statement.


11-16:  Flamenco song, studies in Jerez de la Frontera, 9 months.

94-03:  BA in art history and theatre science, University of Oslo.

95-96:  Ecole Internationale de Théâtre Jacques Lecoq, Paris.

94-98:  Flamenco dance, studies in Paris, Madrid, Sevilla and Oslo.



* VINDEN MÅ FÅ SUSE FRITT - performative art walk outdoors and indoors at Borgen, during Asker kulturfestival, in connection with the    opening of new art works in public space by Camilla Løw, Apichaya Wanthiang and Peder Istad.

* NÅR DU GIR MEG DITT ANSIKT - Galleri Würth, Nittedal, at the finissage of the exhibition Female Measure by Xenia Hausner.

* 700 MIL - Kongsvinger Kunstforening, part of the exhibition Vanlige dager by the artist group Louises gate 4C.

* DET ER DA JEG SITTER HELT STILLE - CELLARCUBE, Asker, at the opening of the exhibition Sammenkoblet by Pernille Rosfjord.


* BARAYE - Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo, The State's Art Exhibition / Høstutstillingen // Kunstbanken senter for samtidskunst, Hamar, at the         opening of the exhibitions Det eneste sikre by Kari Steihaug & Tina Jonsbu and Spor by Tulle Ruth // Multisalen, Asker kulturhus,               Kulturfrokost.

* STRANGEST DREAM - Hangar A, Fornebu, Kunst rett vest.

* PERFORMANCE LECTURE - Rogaland Kunstsenter, Stavanger, PAS Performance Kafé.

* 700 MIL - Galleri Sagene Kunstsmie, Oslo, part of the exhibition Vanlige dager by the artist group Louises gate 4C.



* ROTATION AND VOICE - Trafo Kunsthall, Asker, at the finissage of the exhibition SOHO by Susanne Kathlen Mader.

* ALT DET SOM RENNER - Fossekleiva kultursenter, Berger, Kunst rett vest.

* FREDSLABORATORIET - Laboratoriet, Kongsberg, organized by Kongsberg Kunstforening.


* TWIGS AND A SONG - Kongsberg Kunstforening, at the finissage of the exhibition Bristningar by Katinka Goldberg.

* SOUNDS THROUGH - Galleri 69, Oslo, part of the exhibition Undersøkelser av det felles eide by the artist group Louises gate 4C.



* HVIS DETTE IKKE ER SANT - Drammens Museum, at the opening of Novemberutstillingen.

* KANSKJE STOPPER JEG OPP HER - Vestfold Kunstsenter, Tønsberg, Østlandsutstillingen.

* KANSKJE FINNER JEG EN ÅKER - Store Gilhuus Gård, Lier, Kunst rett vest.

* ART TOUR - in the streets of Oslo, PAO Festival 2021, Reflecting the past, Performance Art Oslo.

* A VIDEO of my former performance LE DÉSERTEUR was screened in the PAO Festival exhibition at Atelier Nord, Oslo.

* SOUNDS THROUGH THE WALL - Spriten Kunsthall, Skien, 

   part of the exhibition Undersøkelser av det felles eide by the artist group Louises gate 4C.


* KANSKJE LEGGER JEG MEG NED OG LYTTER - Lageret Studio, Tofte, Kunst rett vest.



* LE DÉSERTEUR - ROM for kunst og arkitektur, Oslo, PAO Festival 2019, No silence / No sound - How to hear a performance.

* PERFORMATIVE ARTIST TALK - ROM for kunst og arkitektur, Oslo, PAO Festival 2019, Performance Art Oslo.

* CLAVELES Y VOZ - Cosmopolite, Oslo, Flamenco Festival, Peña Flamenca Noruega.

* CARNATIONS AND VOICE - outdoors on the top of the stone pyramid in the center of Asker, Asker kulturfestival.

* 772 - Akershuskaia, Oslo, PAO Monumental.

* SONGS FOR A HOUSE - Deichman Grünerløkka, Oslo, at the re-opening of the library.


* YOUR SEVEN SONGS, JOSÉ - Drammens Museum, Kunst rett vest.

* CARNATIONS AND VOICE - Drammens Museum, at the opening of Kunst rett vest.

* WIND AND VOICE - outdoors in the landscape of Finse, PAB & PAO Performance Camp Finse.

* PAPER AND VOICE - outdoors in Rosenkrantz' gate 14, Oslo,

   at the opening of Shwan Dler Qaradaki's wall piece Diaries from a Distance.

* SOUNDS THROUGH THE WALL - Det Gule Huset, Asker.


* PLEASE SIT DOWN AND I'LL SING FOR YOU - Asker Kunstforening.

* SOUNDS THROUGH THE WALL - Kunstbanken Hedmark Kunstsenter, Hamar, Performancefestivalen 2017.

* A SONG IN THIN AIR - outdoors in the center of Hamar, Performancefestivalen 2017.

* UNTITLED (ENOUGH) - Fossekleiva kultursenter, Berger, Kunst rett vest.

* SOUNDS THROUGH THE WALL - The Complex, Dublin Live Art Festival.

* A SONG IN THIN AIR - outdoors at Smithfield Square, Dublin Live Art Festival.

* ECHO VS. OIL TANK - in the open oil tank at Steilene island in the Oslo fjord,

   part of Eco Echoes: Strategier for øko-empati, organized by Performance Art Oslo.

* A SONG IN THIN AIR - Interkulturelt Museum, Oslo, This Land Symposium,

   part of No Place to Call Home, organized by Kunst Vardo.


* YOUR BLACK HAIR, REIGEL - Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo, The State's Art Exhibition / Høstutstillingen.

* EL DÍA QUE MUERA - Flatbread Society, Bjørvika, Oslo, at Seed Journey Send Off, organized by Futurefarmers.

* UNTIL - Fritt Ord, Oslo, at the climate talk Sulten og skjønnheten - den andre samtalen.

* SONGS VS. OIL BARRELS - CELLARCUBE, Asker kulturfestival.



* SOLEÁ - Deichman Grünerløkka, Oslo, at the festival SØRFORKOMFORT.

* PARLIAMENT - in front of Parliament in Oslo, part of Performance Art Oslo's program during Oslo kulturnatt.

* SI NO ES VERDAD - in the old district prison in Bergen, at PAB Open, organized by Performance Art Bergen.

* UNTITLED (CUT) - Galeria Raczej / Perfex, Poznan, part of the performance evening The Time it Takes.

* PLEASE SIT DOWN AND I'LL SING FOR YOU - Stavanger Kunstmuseum, Kuppelkupp.

* DEN SNAKKER SANT SOM SNAKKER SKYGGE - Cosmopolite, Oslo, Flamenco Festival, Peña Flamenca Noruega.

* BIRD LANDING, BIRD SCREAMING - Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo, at the opening of the collective exhibition

   The Shadow of War. Political Art in Norway 1914-2014, curated by Kari J. Brandtzæg.


* THIS IS STILL A PROTEST - Kunsthall 3,14, Bergen, in connection with the exhibition The World Must Still Be Young

   with works by Elena Kovylina, Polina Kanis and Victor Alimpiev.

* COLLAPSE - Stenersenmuseet, Oslo, at CAN's debate Ecological collapse: Art, research and activism - how to create alliances.

* PLEASE, SIT DOWN, AND I'LL SING FOR YOU - Hydrogenfabrikken kunsthall, Fredrikstad,

   part of the collective exhibition I fortrolighet, curated by Sverre Bjertnæs and Grete Årbu.

* A NEW OLD SONG - Galleri BOA, Oslo, part of the exhibition State of the State by the artist group Exiles.

* THIS IS STILL A PROTEST - Spriten Kunsthall, Skien, part of the exhibition All King, No Kingdom by the artist group Exiles.




* I'LL REPEAT THIS SONG - Galleri 69, Oslo.

* I'LL REPEAT THIS SONG UNTIL I'M KICKED OUT - Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo, One Night Only Gallery,

   The State's Art Exhibition / Høstutstillingen.





* CANTE JONDO - Atelier Nord, Oslo, at the night exhibition and happening Winter Solstice.



* IDC #3 (Invisible Dance Company) - Grusomhetens Teater, Oslo, Flamenco Night, Peña Flamenca Noruega.

* IDC #1 and IDC #2 (Invisible Dance Company) - Galleri 69, Oslo, at the video and performance event Blackening, curated by Locus.

* FLAMENCO REMIX: Ceci n'est pas... #2 - Henie Onstad Kunstsenter, Høvikodden, the art center's 40 years jubilee party.




* FLAMENCO REMIX: Ceci n'est pas... #2 - Galleri Kaare Berntsen, Oslo, at the opening of their Autumn Exhibition,

   Torshovteatret, Oslo, Flamenco Night, Peña Flamenca Noruega, and La Bellevilloise, Paris, Festival Etaarsverk.

* PLAYING DEAD - Galleri Oslo, above Oslo bussterminal, part of Prosjekt Galleri Oslo.


* FLAMENCO REMIX: Ceci n'est pas... #1 - MS Innvik, Oslo, Flamenco Festival, Peña Flamenca Noruega.

* ARENA - PERFORMANCE MED LORCA - Henie Onstad Kunstsenter, Høvikodden.

* FLAMENCO REMIX - MS Innvik, Oslo, at the festival Mamadada and

   La Mer à Boire and La Générale, Paris, Portes Ouvertes de Belleville.




* FLAMENCO REMIX - Kulturhuset Stabekk Kino, Festival Et Årsverk and

   Gjærhuset / Schous Bryggeri, Oslo Flamenco Festival, Peña Flamenca Noruega.




* FLAMENCO REMIX - Gjærhuset / Schous Bryggeri, Oslo, Flamenco Festival, Peña Flamenca Noruega.

* BUBBLEBEAT - Nationaltheatret train station, Oslo.

* FOR NERUDA - Chateau Neuf, Oslo, part of Women sing to honor Pablo Neruda, with percussionist Luis Landa-Schreitt.



* BEAT - in front of Parliament, Oslo, at the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women,

   with percussionist Andreas Knudsrød.



* VERDE - FLAMENCO MED LORCA III - Snåsa kulturhus, with guitarist Trond Folstad.

* THE IMMORTAL GAME - the basement of Stenersenmuseet, Oslo, and

   Askerhallen, at the opening of the Norwegian Chess Championship. 

* LOVE MINUS ZERO (extract) - University of Oslo, An Evening for the Freedom of Speech.


* LOVE MINUS ZERO - Torshovteatret, Oslo, Teatret Vårt, Molde, and Teaterfabrikken, Ålesund.


* DEN DJUPE SONGEN - FLAMENCO MED LORCA II - Teatret Vårt, Molde, and Kulturbakeriet, Asker, with guitarist Trond Folstad and            singer / percussionist Per-Kristian Larsen. 


* ALLE KLOKKENE VISTE FEM - FLAMENCO MED LORCA - Det Norske Teatret and Centralteatret, Oslo, Teatret Vårt, Molde, and            Kulturbakeriet, Asker, with guitarist Trond Folstad.


Ongoing since 2014:

* CELLARCUBE - an art space in Asker, where Anne-Lise Zwaig and I organize exhibitions, performances, concerts

   and relational art projects.

Ongoing since 2019:

* CHANSONS INTERNATIONALES - Zwaig/Heyerdahl, a violin and voice concept with violinist Ragnar Heyerdahl.

   Several concerts at Røverstaden, Oslo, and in Fjærland, Hønefoss, Eidsvoll, Ski, Asker, Stockholm and Siglufjord.

   Album released in 2021. 


* BARBED WIRE AND VOICE - performance with Anne-Lise Zwaig at the nightclub Elsker, Oslo,

   part of the First Supper Symposium about Ageism.


* ALBUM - concert-performance with Jan Wiese and Aronne Dell'Oro in the small hall of Oslo Concert Hall.


* PEÑA FLAMENCA NORUEGA - I was artistic leader of Oslo Flamenco Club and organized together with the board

   several peña evenings.

* AD VENT - exhibition and performance with the artist group Kunstrommet in Agro Car Park, Asker.

* OLD NEWS - exhibition and performance with the artist group Kunstrommet in their temporary gallery in Bankveien 1, Asker.


* ON THE WIRE - exhibition and performance with the artist group Kunstrommet in Asker kulturhus.

* ATELIER POPULAIRE OSLO / PALESTINERLEIR - lectures, meetings and events, developed and organized with   

   Andrea Lange (initiator), Marius von der Fehr and Palestinerleir in Kunsthall Oslo.

* NEW FRONTIERS - 9 gatherings with presentations and discussions, developed and organized with Marius von der Fehr in                        Baktruppen's former theatre in Dælenenggata, Oslo.

* THEATRE IN TIMES OF CRISIS #2 - SWEDEN AND DENMARK - a seminar by TeaterTanken, where I was the moderator and                  organized with Marius von der Fehr, Hans Henriksen and Ine Therese Berg, at Dramatikkens Hus, Oslo.


* PEÑA FLAMENCA NORUEGA - I was artistic leader of Oslo Flamenco Club and organized together with the board several 

   peña evenings and the festival Flamenco Night at Cosmopolite, Oslo.

* TO THE DOGS - performance with Marius von der Fehr at Grusomhetens Teater, Oslo.



* RÉVOLTE TOI COCU - performance lecture with Marius von der Fehr at Open Forum at Oslo National Academy of the Arts.

* DIN DAGLIGE DØD - performance with Marius von der Fehr at Momentum kunsthall, Moss.


* IN/OUT - performance interacting with video, with Laurent Fiévet at the Munch Museum, Oslo, and at the festival Et Årsverk at                    Kulturhuset Stabekk Kino.

* HERS - performance interacting with video, with Laurent Fiévet at Festival Etaarsverk at La Bellevilloise, Paris.


* PEÑA FLAMENCA NORUEGA - I was artistic leader of Oslo Flamenco Club and organized together with the board several

   peña evenings and Oslo Flamenco Festival at Gjærhuset / Schous Bryggeri.


* ASTRUP FEARNLEY MUSEET - lecturer (2017-2019), guide (2013-2020) and press contact (2003-2008).

* HENIE ONSTAD KUNSTSENTER - guide (2004-2011).

* OSLO FOTOKUNSTSKOLE - art history teacher (2005-2006).

* OTHER PLACES - I had a lecture about Fluxus at NITJA senter for samtidskunst (2022), about the history of performance art at                  Buskerud Kunstsenter (2019), and about my own art at Einar Granum Kunstfagskole and online, Kunstdykk på Granum (2020).



* CUT - dancer with my own choreography in a video by Trond Kasper Mikkelsen, shown at Galleri F15, Jeløya.

* ELLA - voice in Spanish-Norwegian flamenco production at Kulturkirken Jacob and on tour. Leader: Bettina Flater.


* HERLAUG - actress in international outdoor summer play at Holstad farm, Ås.

   Directors and choreographers: Hester Kamin and Torgunn Wold.


* DEN FYRSTE SONG - actress, singer, dancer and choreographer at Teatret Vårt, Molde, and on tour in Møre og Romsdal.

   Director: Daniel Bohr.


* RICHARD III - actress, Teatret Vårt, Molde. Director: Hilda Hellwig.

* KJØPMANNEN I VENEZIA - actress, singer and dancer in theatre opera at Teatret Vårt, Molde, and Parken kulturhus, Ålesund.

   Director: Ronald Rørvik. Choreographer: Toni Herlofson.




* JULECABARET - flamenco dancer with my own choreography at Centralteatret, Oslo.

* PASIÓN Y MUERTE - flamenco dancer with my own choreography at Scenehuset, Oslo. Director: Tone Gellein.

* CABARET - dancer at Blue Box, Gamle Fredrikstad. Director: Kjetil Indregard. Choreographer: Katrine Chi.




* HISTORIA OM EIN LANDSBY - dancer at Det Norske Teatret, Oslo. Director: Janken Varden. Choreographer: Sølvi Edvardsen.




* DEN PERFEKTE EKTEMANN - actress at Nationaltheatret, Oslo. Director: Kjetil Bang-Hansen.


* SKYGGESPILL - dancer with my own choreography in one of the episodes of this tv series about the Rinnan gang.

   Director: Bjørn Nilsen.

* FLAMENCO - flamenco dancer at Théâtre André Malraux, Paris. Choreographer: Patricio Martin.

© Johanna Zwaig

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