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Performance, 2 hours.
The 19th of August 2006.
Henie Onstad Kunstsenter, Høvikodden.
A big arena of sand.
The cutting of 500 red carnations.
Lorca's poem Llanto por Ignacio Sánchez Mejías seven times from the loudspeakers.
A cut-up flamenco dance seven times on a stool.
Federico García Lorca was killed by Franco's men the 19th of August 1936.
70 years later I did this performance.
Loosing. Mourning. Remembering. Transforming. How to deal with loss, my friend.
No te conoce nadie. No. Pero yo te canto.
Photo 1-10: Anne Haga / Hilde Bøyum
Photo 11-12: Peter Albers
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